Testosterone for My Mom?

It all begins with a friend’s shared experience. Or, in this case, my mom’s. She really thought she was going crazy. At age 60, she was experiencing severe brain fog and felt like she had lost control of her emotions. More than just getting sappy over a great movie, she found herself crying in the kitchen for “no reason”. She felt depressed. Having had a hysterectomy in her early 40s she knew it couldn’t be menopause, surely! All the signs were there: the weight gain, the frustrating inability to “get my words out” or remember little things, the emotional ups and downs. However, the years taught her that people who have a hysterectomy when they are young, go through “the change” then. When she finally shared with me some of her concerns and I suggested she speak to a BHRT specialist. Not just about “Estrogen”, but about estradiol, progesterone and testosterone for women. She changed her mind, deciding right then that she was okay and I was the one who’d lost it. Did I not know that Estrogen caused breast cancer and testosterone was for men?Moms. Always putting everyone else first. The best part about our open, and honest conversation (about how much more is known about hormones now than 20, 30 , 40 years ago ) was how flexible her mindset was. After getting off the phone, she talked to some of her friends. They, too, have been hearing more about bio-identical hormones and some had already seen their doctor for it. So, eventually she did see that specialist and together, they found balance. She’s doing great on her regimen, thinking more clearly, feeling more energetic and strong, and sleeping comfortably knowing that I have not in fact lost my mind.

Read “It’s Not in Your Head: How Testosterone can impact Mood, Satisfaction and More!” by Cherie Constance


“I played an entire game of golf before I realized, I wasn’t hurting anymore.”


Just That One Question